Flucloxacillin 500 mg
Pack : 20 ml Tubular Vial with 10 ml WFI & Insert in Tray
with Mono Carton


Flulet 500 mg Injection

 Flucloxacillin 500 mg
 Antibiotic | Anti-Infective
 20 ml Tubular Vial with 10 ml WFI & Insert in Tray
With Mono Carton

  • Treat Skin Infections
  • Wound Infections
  • Bone Infections (Osteomyelitis)
  • Ear Infections in Children.
 As directed by Physician


Product Description :

Flucloxacillin Sodium is used in the treatment of bacterial infections.

Work Mechanism :

Flucloxacillin Sodium is an antibiotic. It kills bacteria by preventing them from forming their own protective covering (cell wall) which is needed for them to survive. This treats your infection.

Additional information

Dosage Form

Therapeutic Segment


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