Vinpocetine 5 mg
Pack : 1 x 10 Tablets Alu-Alu Pack


Vinpolet 5 mg Tablets

 Vinpocetine 5 mg
 Nootropics | Neurotonics
 1 x 10 Tablets (Alu-Alu Pack)

  • To prevent Alzheimer’s disease
  • For enhancing memory
  • For prevention and treatment of ischemic stroke
  • Treating symptoms of menopause, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and seizure disorders
  • Preventing motion sickness
 1 Tablet 3 times daily or as directed by Physician

Product Description :

Vinpocetine is used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s diseasestrokedementia in Parkinson’s diseaseage related memory loss and head injury.

Work Mechanism :

Vinpocetine is semisynthetic alkaloid. It has a nootropic (protects nerves and the brain) effect. It inhibits the voltage-dependent neuronal sodium channels, which in turn enhances a chemical messenger (intracellular cGMP levels) in the brain. Thus, increases blood flow within the brain. This is how it prevents the destruction of never cells (neurons) and protects the brain. Thus, helps enhancement of the nervous system. It also has an antioxidant property. This works by oxidizing the free radicals (toxins) in the body.

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Dosage Form

Therapeutic Segment


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